This is a reminder of the power of love to help us deal with the stresses of life.
And So We Sleep
Falling asleep, I touch the night
As consciousness creeps out of sight
Replaced by dreams out of control
To mock the mind and time they stole
To fill the gaps left by the stress
Of days filled with ungodly mess
Responsibility gone mad
And joy and hopes and dreams turned sad
Yet consciousness of love retains
Sweet melodies of life’s refrain
Of joy and hope and dreams, a song
To sing with those who came along
And so, these melodies of life
Become the antidote to strife
They are the angel choir we hear
When loved-ones whisper in our ear
And spark a dream, or calm a fear
Or make us laugh, or shed a tear
When beauty is too much to bear
Our souls cry out, a song to share
And one of those who came along
Will offer us their inmost song
Rekindling trust that love will keep
Us safe tonight, and so we sleep
© 2020 Russell E. Willis. First appeared in The Write Launch, Issue 37 (June 2020).